Thursday, 21 June 2012

Big weekend of activities!

We have a big weekend for Brockley coming up!

Firstly, on Saturday 23rd June is the Hilly Fields Fayre which I'm sure many of you may have been planning to attend. We are participating again and sharing a space with the Brockley Cross Action Group. The Fayre takes place from 12-4pm.
Following the Hilly Fields Fayre there is a major community gardening day taking place on Sunday 24th June - please see above flyer for details. This is a joint event with BXAG. There's lots to do some please come along and make it a sucessful day!

Thanks in advance and look forward to seeing many of you!

Sunday, 10 June 2012

Progress Update


Clearing has finally begun in a large and uncultivated back garden of a council-owned house in Breakspears Road by two local people who will be growing fruit and vegetables. We have been working for some time with the Brockley PFI (who manage the property) to facilitate a 'gardenshare' at the property. The aim is to match up local people on allotment waiting lists with nearby gardens which are neglected for various reasons (often attracting litter) and crying out to be put to a useful purpose!  With the full approval of the tenants, and support from the PFI, it is hoped that the scheme will be extended to other gardens and help those who are keen to 'get growing'. Two other 'gardenshares' in the area (at privately owned or rented properties) have been facilitated by Transition Brockley and if you would like to join this scheme, either as a gardener or to offer part of a garden, please email Fran (

Clearing one of the gardenshare properties



We have also put in a bid to the Council for funding to construct two raised beds at the community edible garden (next to Brockley Station) for growing soft fruit. Broad beans will have been picked before this is circulated but keep an eye out in June for the strawberries which are currently looking very healthy!


An energy group has been initiated to tackle the issues of reducing CO2 and energy costs, and several people recently took up the offer to Transition Brockley of having a free Home Energy Saving Survey carried out at their homes. 


The mini wildflower meadow at the orchard on Hilly Fields (next to the Stone Circle) has been extended, inspired by the brilliant patch of colour and extra habitat for pollinating insects it provided last year. Local residents care for the young apple and pear trees by weeding and mulching and by watering through the summer months. 

Last years meadow