Saturday, 12 March 2011

Brockley Common Community Garden

Saturday morning saw members of the local community come together to carry on the good work that the Brockley Cross Action Group began last week by weeding and mulching the community garden at the end of the ramp around Brockley Station.

Quite a few of last years crop have survived the harsh winter and the plot currently contains plants such as: Crocosmia, Spinach Beet, Carrot, Hungarian Rye Grass, Field Beans, Artichokes amongst many more.

As previously reported there is some money to put into the garden this year and this week will see both our own group and the BXAG come together to discuss ideas on what shape the garden will take this year.

Caroline from Transition Brockley is leading the team developing the garden so if you would like to get involved please contact us at transitionbrockley (at) hotmail (dot) com and mark for the attention of Caroline.

More images from Saturday's session can of course be found on our Flickr group.

Friday, 11 March 2011

Going over old ground - Part 2

Following last weekends successful clean up of the flower beds at Brockley Station by members of the Brockley Cross Action Group and Transition Brockley this weekend sees the attention turned to the community garden plot that was initiated by our group last year.

We've reported previously that we put in a successful localities fund bid for some money to improve the garden and now the time has come to prepare the site and start thinking about the design of this years garden. Now we're not garden designers* but we like to think we can string something together that will look half-decent!

This year Caroline from the group will be leading the group for the garden. She writes:

There is a meeting at Transition Brockley plot next to the station this saturday at 10.30am. The purpose of this meeting is to weed, rake, clear up the plot / create a vision for this year's garden and put some planting dates in the diary

Please bring your own tools, particularly gardening gloves / forks & trowels. If anyone has a rake that could be useful too! Once we have done a clear up, we will go for a coffee, look at last year's plan, & decide what we want to focus on this year. Ideas already suggested include: fruit trees / sunflowers / pathways / willow arches / beans / new signage.

We do have a budget, whilst contributions of seeds etc are always welcome however this Saturday we will not planting as such but preparing the plot for the coming months and impending planting session.

I will be meeting with Rupert (BXAG) next week to discuss the shared areas , all ideas welcome.

We look forward to seeing you there ! 

*The author has tenuous links to one of the gardens at this years Chelsea Flower Show...